Applying for or Renewing a Library Card
You must live in the Crestwood Public Library District in order to obtain a library card. The library boundaries do NOT follow the Village of Crestwood boundaries. Your library district is listed on your real estate tax bill or voter’s registration card. If you live in an unincorporated area, you MUST pay a yearly fee for library services.
If you live in the library district, you need to bring TWO forms of identification with you that show your name and address. We will need to see:
- A valid driver's license or state I.D. card with your name and current address.
- A school I.D. or other valid picture I.D. is accepted for photo identification only.
- We do no accept expired I.D. cards.
AND one of the following
- A recent utility bill (gas, electric, telephone), or bank statement
- OR voter's registration card
- OR real estate bill / lease
- OR insurance card / car registration
- We do not accept checkbooks as proof of residency.
A child who is under 18 years of age MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian when the child is applying for a library card. The child must be at least 5 years old and be able to print his/her first and last name. Parental/guardian signature is required on the application. The child’s parent must show TWO forms of identification listed above.
We will ask to see two forms of identification every 3 years at the time you are renewing your library card.
There is a $3.00 charge for a replacement library card. If there are any overdue books, fines, lost item fees, or lost library card charges on your library record, no library card will be issued or renewed until all money is paid and your account is cleared.
Any situation not provided for in the foregoing policy and procedure will be resolved by the director, or in their absence, by the staff member in charge.