Radio in the 1950s: From the Golden Age to TV Age

- Radio in the 1950s: From the Golden Age to TV Age
- 2020-07-27T18:00:00-05:00
- 2020-07-27T19:00:00-05:00
- When Jul 27, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (US/Central / UTC-500)
- Where Online
- Contact Phone 708-371-4090
- Web Visit external website
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As radio listeners began flocking to television, the comedy and dramatic shows that had been a staple of the "Golden Age" began to fade. This presentation explores some of the ways that radio changed and evolved in response to the challenges posted by the new medium of TV. Be sure to join us for this virtual Zoom program as we welcome back guest presenter Steve Darnall from Those Were the Days radio program!
This program is open to anyone who may be interested in attending. You can join this meeting by clicking on the provided link, or by entering the meeting ID and password once logged into your Zoom account.
Meeting ID: 986 9391 5960
Password: radio2020
External Link for Meeting: