Estate Planning & Probate Seminar
- Estate Planning & Probate Seminar
- 2023-07-31T18:00:00-05:00
- 2023-07-31T19:00:00-05:00
- When Jul 31, 2023 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (US/Central / UTC-500)
- Where In-person Program
- Contact Phone 708-371-4090
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Attorney Caroline Smith will join us for a special seminar at the library to discuss why estate planning is so important, and what happens if you have no estate plan. A little planning and good legal advice ensure that a person's wishes are fulfilled, prevents family disagreements, and avoids court delays at difficult times. Please call the front desk to register for this program. In person program on Monday, July 31st, at 6:00 pm.