Container Gardening
- Container Gardening
- 2024-09-30T18:00:00-05:00
- 2024-09-30T19:00:00-05:00
- When Sep 30, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (US/Central / UTC-500)
- Where Crestwood Public Library
- Contact Phone 708-371-4090
- Add event to calendar iCal
Whether you live in an apartment, condo, town home or single-family home, you probably have the space for the color and interest of container gardens, one of the hottest trends in gardening. Presentation covers container selection, plant selection, simple design considerations, proper planting, and maintenance to help ensure success. The presentation will be followed by a make-and-take activity where participants plant up a small container with 2-3 herb plants to bring home.
Space is limited. Registration required.